Ethics as seen from Computer Games

In Social Informatics (and IT103 is a part of this field), ethics plays an important role. At Nesna University College we use the theme of sexual abuse of children in digital media in order to explain ethics. But in this slideshare lecture we are going to view ethics from another angle. First take a look at War, Peace and Video Games, p. 3 and the Nordic Serious Game Wiki. Then click on the lecture below. (You do not have to do the task presented in the end of the Slideshare lecture). This lecture targets teachers (you are to teach ethics to kids, who use many hours to play games that are quite violent), and persons training soldiers (you will have students that are of the "Gamer Generation").

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Åpen standard

Les mer om åpen standard på websidene til Hø, og Wikipedia. Les også ITUs artikkel om åpen standard i skolen, samt om det kommende påbudet om åpen standard i staten. Les også Open Standards: Principles and Practice. For et gratis alternativ til Microsoft, se OpenOffice. Og for konvertering av filer, se Media Convert.

Videoforelesningen over er ment som en innledning til en liten del av tematikken rundt dette med åpne standarder. Under kommer en lydforelesning som går et lite skritt videre.